Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Pizza Express to Nestle to Parle.... The 'Brand' Spiral (Down) !

... Ceaser Salad, Cabernet Sauvignon, Pizza Exotica with extra olives... Lunch Anyone ?? Heaven for a foodie like me...

that was my typical lunch menu a few years back while I was working in an office with plush interiors (requires a mention, since i don't have one now .....) and a decent salary to splurge on...

sometime later, i became a student again... shifted to a rented flat on a sharing basis... with modest budgets and a student life.... my lunch menu comprised of Maggi noodles and Tropicana Orange juice (if lucky)... so that i could save for some exotic dinners over the weekends or a movie ticket in Mumbai.... But, we all need to bow down and thank Nestle for providing me (and I bet many others) nutrition most of the times and fueling my studies(lol) with those lip smacking Maggi noodles... i felt i was degraded and had stepped down two-three levels... but was optimistic coz I would soon become a 'Manager' of sorts and have my 3 course meals again... or even better... the best part was my shopping bag in any super-store consisted of loads and loads of Maggi.. and I had tasted almost every type of Maggi and the all other brands available.... but as long as i saw many similar 'noodle-doodles' around ... i wasn't complaining !!

and voila, here I am today .. yes i did become a 'Manager'.. and did start earning more than what i used to... enough to fund a 4 course everyday... but what do i feed on ? Any stretch of contextual, degraded, & wild imagination would lead to an answer - 'normal food maybe'... but when i am on the field or even in office, most of the days go surviving on packet of Parle G.... (that's the most nutritious of the options i get, i guess !)... its generally lack of time... and no company to have food with that are the reasons...!! ... and my regional office is situated outside the city limits... huh ! Was someone mentioning Plush offices with its own cafeterias and exotic restaurants around ???? .... thing of past (and maybe future) ..

so is there some kind of a law applying here ?? my designation and salary have been rising... but the food (esp Lunch) that I am eating has fallen down to standards that are way beyond imagination !... as they say in MBA parlance... i did some vertical Integration... but horizontal integration seems to be missing... but the question is, can they both go hand - in - hand ?? :) (sorry if i got it wrong.... lol.... no point getting baffled, my MBA concepts aren't the best in the class.... probably Maggi doesnt have enough stimulants for the brain....)

So from IT Industry to MBA Uni to Manufacturing...
form Senior Software Engineer to Student to Manager-Sales N Marketing....

its been a downward spiral ... from Pizza Express to Nestle (Maggi) to Parle (Parle G)...

wondering whats next ? could there be anything left ? maybe i ll reduce to the smallest available size of Parle G :):):) or Cadburys (Eclairs) !!! hmm... worth a thought...

but who cares, the missing courses will be added to the dinners ;)... !!!
And besides, I am loosing some extra pounds and getting back to shape ! :)

So, Cheers ! And I aint complaining......


The Capitalist said...

Reminds me of something that happened 4 yrs b4.. all my frens were in plush ofifces(s/w cos) and i was in a place that did not even have a seat for me.. oil and grease and filth everywhere. All my pals boasted of how amazing their cafe was and i had nothing to even tell abt.. i joined a mfg co too that works from 7 Am till night and on sats too and was in the factory standing all day.. I wud have quit happily had i got a job in the first few weeks, none came by.

But when i finally resigned, i am sure i had learnt more abt management and business than most of my frens.

As the old adage goes, "Everything has a price" and yeah learning has its own too.. I'd bet someone will be writing what i have just written 2 yrs hence to someone else joining somewhere else.

Pritesh said...

hmm.. so Capitalist, Ajay.. u mean, i am going to learn a lot...

brilliant.. am already enjoying it.. so no complains !! :) :)

ani_aset said...

that surely is not a nice way to lose wt :)

Pritesh said...

right Ani, i know.. but we all try n figure out the positive part of stuff.. , don t we ? guess, was jus doin that :)

thanks for the honour of stoppin over for a read !!

Mani Goel said...

ditto feelings is such a big problem...i just hope there is a positive part to all this...!!!

Pritesh said...

@ Mani.. yah there sure is a super positive part to all of this :) :)