A reality check to track yourself in this techno savvy IT/corporate world that we breathe in...
I wake up with an expectation of a better day to eventually find that the day was as bad as yesterday....
I spend the weekend relaxing (read sleeping!) and doing nothing useful (read productive!) and then come the monday blues... i somehow slog and carry my ever growing frame on my expensive bike to the confines of the place where i earn my bread butter (read pizzas and pastas!).... its made sure that there is not a molecule of fresh air inside because the central air cons are biologically perfect... i cling on to my desktop and i cannot proceed till i dont see my mail box.... god helps if that stops functioning (it can wreak havoc, you see!).... see some forwards and some pictures.. some reality bites (serious mails, which i dont forward!)... then come some task assignments.... but mastering the art of procrastination does not take time.... then i go for a heavy breakfast (breakfast is the most important meal of the day!)... i come back all charged up and ready to work.... just then somebody drops in and we go for a coffee break and savour the exotic coffee of the dispenser installed... once again i come back determined to start off with work... i start keying in some lines of code and finish up some task.. and voila.. its time for lunch.... i cant skip lunch everyday... and then i despise the cafeteria food for its quality and low standard.... yet complain about the pricing.... well, its time to finally work but my stomach is too full for my grey cells to start churning out business for my company... but anyway, job is job! ... within no time its time for that exotic coffee break again... and then come the evening snacks (need a refrehser now atleast, been working the whole day!) ... high time that i really worked on something now... but its really getting late for the dinner party that i have in the eve... i guess i would have to cancel that.. have so much of work to do... and then i start hitting the keyboard and the mouse franatically and look as if the entire business is on my once well (read gym) made shoulders... it gets a bit late finishing up that work... and i finally deliver only to find that it still needs to be better... i get into a gloom, i criticize, i feel this is not the right place for me, i feel nobody understands me.. (i even cancelled my evening commitments... didn't i ?)... i drag myself back to my sleeping abode (its only sleeping that i do here... ) .. have some maggi... and get into a deep slumber soon... hoping that i will change tommorrow and it will be different....
teet - teet -teet - teet (my cell-alarm tone...) goes the first reception for my morning ears...only to figure out that its been snoozed five tiems and i am late.... need to rush, need to finish up things, need to prove myself to my boss, need to keep commitments, appraisal z coming....
and the life goes on...
Very subtle writing... a true life of every software pro depicted in a lucid and a crystal clear format.. Kudos dear,,
thanks mate.. sorry for the delayed rspponse.. but got regular with bloggin again jus now... hope life z grt at your end !!
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